Saturday, April 2, 2011

Monotony the Tree- Shakti Inspired Piece

Sustained from the drops of the leaves- I lay beneath the oldest tree
Its branches twisted and smelling of rot; I know its name
Monotony the Tree; Gnarled and boring
Take the ties of three- the Knot of my epiphany
Monotony the Tree;

Harlequin I am when I wield my tongue; The sword of my Speech 
The verbal next to none. Dear Monotony the Tree, what have we become?
Simple Sultans of Subtlety? Or a vast majority? 
Of the things we have undone.

The roots of what is tall and lame; is far above raged or tame
For the blooming rose-red sister tree; forms with the Monotony
I watched in awe as thee; Entangled themselves next to me.
Alas comes the earth itself, a hermaphroditic entity. 
Monotony the Tree

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